2022 Miss Hawaii

Lauren Teruya

Miss Hawaii 2022

School: University of Southern California

College Major: B.A. of Journalism and theatre, M.A. in specialized journalism

Scholarship Winnings: $14,000

Scholastic Honors: Poynter Koch Media & Journalism Fellowship
University of Southern California Outstanding Graduate Specialized Journalism Scholar Award
University of Southern California Academic Achievement Award
Herb Klein Scholarship in Government and Politics
Fourlin Memorial Foundation Scholar
University of Southern California Magna Cum Laude

Career Ambition: Travel multimedia journalist for National Geographic

Talent: Broadway song and dance

Social Impact Initiative: Inspiring a love for learning through artful teaching. Arts for All is a comprehensive plan that provides classroom resources, community art activities and fulfills the unmet need of incorporating art in education.

What is the best advice you’ve ever received? “You’ll never know, unless you try.” — mom.
Without these words, I wouldn’t understand that it’s ok to fail. There’s beauty in working hard and picking yourself back up when you fall.