2022 Miss Maine

Madison Leslie

Miss Maine 2022

School: Franklin Pierce University

College Major: Communications | Journalism and Media Production Concentration

Scholarship Winnings: $8,500

Scholastic Honors: NE-10 President’s Award for Academic Excellence
Pierce Media Leadership Award
Certificate: Women and Gender in Leadership
Honors Societies:Alpha Chi, Lampda Pi Eta (Communications), Pi Sigma Alpha (Political Science), Chi Alpha Sigma (Athletics)

Career Ambition: Become an empowerment speaker with the brand I founded, “Time to Shake Your Beauty.”

Talent: Vocal Performance

Social Impact Initiative: An Empowerment Movement: Claim your confidence! Own your space!

What is the best advice you’ve ever received? “It is all about what you do with the 3 seconds after…”. This was what my former travel lacrosse coach, Lauren would always say. When a mistake is made or something doesn’t go your way on the field, it is what you do right after that really counts. Are you hanging your head and telling yourself how you aren’t good enough? Or are you getting back up and running as fast as you can forward? This is true in life. When life knocks us down or we fail. What are you doing with the “3 seconds after?”