Angelina Klapperich

Alaska 2017

Angelina Klapperich

Miss Alaska 2017

Age: 23

Hometown: Wasilla, Alaska

Platform Issue: Be Compassionate! Every person fights a personal battle.

Talent: Piano

College Major: Psychology

Scholastic Ambition: To obtain a Master’s degree in counseling

My Inspiration: Pope Francis because he has revolutionized what it means to be the Pope and people want to hear his message because of his non-judgmental and humble attitude.

My Motivation: The idea that every person fights a personal battle and that every person has value. I approach every interaction with more patience and love, and it helps me feel connected to every human, because we are all in this together.

Bio: Angelina’s soul thrives on genuinely connecting with people from all walks of life and helping them feel valued. After the tragic death of her friend who took his own life, she realized that every person is fighting a personal battle. As Miss America, she would utilize her degree in psychology and her deeply compassionate heart to reach out and listen to those struggling, and teach concrete strategies of how to act with compassion and humility in our daily lives. To combat many of our country’s social problems, she will create a culture of compassion and respect for ALL people!

State Information

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