Chelsea Bruce

Delaware 2017

Chelsea Bruce

Miss Delaware 2017

Age: 21

Hometown: Manasquan, New Jersey

Platform Issue: De-stigmatizing Mental Illness

Talent: Dance

College Major: Political Science and Economics

Scholastic Ambition: A Juris Doctorate

Secret Wish or Dream: To have a show on television where I talk about current events and politics. Similar to the Rachel Maddow Show or Sunday Night with Megan Kelly.

If I am crowned Miss America: I would like to advocate for the mentally ill. We’re now seeing more and more celebrities use their platforms to talk about mental illness, but there is a lot of room for more advocates.

Bio: Chelsea Bruce is a senior at the University of Delaware where she double majors in Political Science and Economics with a double minor in Legal Studies and Political Communication. She served on the executive board for her sorority, Alpha Phi, for two years. She recently started a club on campus called HenLaw in an effort to advise students with an interest in law. She has also worked with organizations that work toward mental health advocacy — Active Minds and Mental Health America. She works with both of these organizations to promote awareness and understanding of the issues surrounding mental illness.