Gabrielle Walter
New York 2017
Gabrielle Walter
Miss New York 2017
Age: 24
Hometown: Clarence, New York
Platform Issue: DreamUp America
Talent: Broadway Vocal
College Major: Law
Scholastic Ambition: To obtain a law degree and practice at a firm in Manhattan with a focus in tax law and commercial litigation. I also plan to clerk for a federal court judge and obtain a Master of Law degree.
Secret Wish or Dream: To argue a high-profile case in front of the Supreme Court of the United States.
My Defining Moment: I once had an admirable teacher in poor health suffering with memory loss, but the faculty and administration were unaware. It was a difficult decision for me and my classmates, but we knew speaking up was important to get her the help and support she deserved.
Bio: Gabrielle Walter is a Western New York native and third-year law student at the University at Buffalo School of Law. As creator and founder of DreamUp America, Gabrielle promotes her innovative platform in schools and community organization across New York State. DreamUp America is an education-based initiative that helps children determine and plot their future, starting now. The summa cum laude graduate of Canisius College is passionate about teaching young children life skills to achieve their dreams.