Sarah Clapper

Ohio 2017

Sarah Clapper

Miss Ohio 2017

Age: 23

Hometown: Louisville, Ohio

Platform Issue: Athletics Today, a Lifetime of Tomorrows!

Talent: Piano

College Major: Architecture

Scholastic Ambition: To obtain an MBA with a focus in Marketing and Communications

Secret Wish or Dream: To visit the Barcelona Pavilion designed by Mies van de Rohe located in Spain

My Inspiration: My great-grandmother emigrated to the US from Czechoslovakia and made sacrifices throughout her lifetime to ensure that her grandchildren had access to higher education. Through her selfless actions to provide the needed assistance to pay for my first year of college, I am inspired to leave that same legacy of selflessness.

Bio: As a gymnast for thirteen years, Sarah struggled when her career as a gymnast ended and she realized she must redefine herself. She learned that her identity must instead lie in the value she could add to others. Sarah has partnered with Growing Leaders, a global non-profit organization and the developer of Habitudes, an image-based curriculum to form leadership habits and attitudes. The goal is to develop a foundation of personal identity and value through leadership skills and service. Through this partnership, she has become a Certified Habitudes Facilitator, preparing the next generation of students and athletes to be leaders in their communities.