Ellery Jones
Colorado 2018
Ellery Jones
State: Colorado
School: Harvard
College Major: Neurobiology
Scholarship Winnings: $6,000
Social Impact Initiative: “We Need to Talk – Growing Healthy Interpersonal Relationships on College Campuses”
Miss America empowered me to: start community conversations about sexual harassment and assault in order to make college campuses safe environments for everyone to grow and achieve!
Bio: I am designing workshops to safely and effectively facilitate conversations about inter-personal violence on college campuses nationwide. As a peer counselor listening to the stories of students from all walks of life, I noticed common themes across accounts of sexual assault and domestic violence on the part of both perpetrators and survivors seeking support. Normalized behaviors perpetuate violence and decrease access to support for survivors. Sitting and listening to my peers showed me the potential for community wide conversations to promote perspective changes, healing and safer campus cultures for all students.