Beck Bridger

Wyoming 2018

Beck Bridger

State: Wyoming

School: Sheridan Community College

College Major: Associates of Fine Arts

Scholarship Winnings: $9,920.00

Social Impact Initiative: The Miracle of the American Woman

Miss America empowers me to: Step outside of my comfort zone and create a more focused purpose for my life. Through my own self-discovery on my Miss America journey, I am able to use my voice to empower and inspire others to do the same. My impact statement gives me the privilege to guide and encourage others to be the most authentic people they can be, while experiencing pressure from society, self-doubt, and fear of the unknown. As a title holder, I am empowered to be the fire that sparks people to take a risk, follow their hearts, and jump-start their lives, no matter where they come from or where they have been.

Bio: For many years I have known that I am meant for something more. Something bigger. Purpose. I strove to explore my identity as an adopted child early, facing the uncertainty of not knowing where I come from. The Miss America Organization has allowed me to evolve into a woman who not only knows who she is and where she comes from but also where she is going. This journey and my purpose in serving the MAO provides an outlet for my passion to advocate for The Miracle of the American Woman, leading to the empowerment of each woman’s unique personality.

Photo credit: Yachin Parham